Sixty years of singing

The Niagara region has had a women's a cappella chorus for sixty years.

The first Harmony Inc. chorus in Niagara started in 1965, in the city of St. Catharines under the name The Tune Twisters. Twenty years later, in 1985, Harmony Niagara became the second Harmony Inc. chorus in the region. In 1993, the two choruses amalgamated, dissolving their existing Harmony Inc. charters and establishing a fresh Harmony Inc. chorus under the name Pride of Niagara. In 2008 the chorus changed its name to Sing Niagara. Sixty years of singing and service to the Niagara community is a significant accomplishment.

Incorporation as a non-profit organization in Ontario took place in 2005. The chorus has bylaws and a Board of Directors whose purpose is to manage the direction of the chorus and ensure compliance with provincial legislation for non-profit organizations and copyright laws governing the purchase and use of the music we perform.

In the sixty years of its existence, the chorus has received numerous awards for its singing and community service, produced award-winning quartets, and directors. In 1994, under the direction of Linda Hilko, the chorus captured first place in the Harmony Inc. International Competition in Providence, Rhode Island. This annual competition is a major focus for the chorus--as is the annual Area 5 competition--however, the top priority has always been to achieve excellence in every performance for all our audiences.